Hidden trails satisfy our cosmic need for the unusual in difficult-to-use interfaces of original pictures and "non-sequitor" links designed specifically to undermine rational understanding and/or deliberatly be fuddle each independant hemisphere. In this site, you will experience heavy doses of the nonsequitor, thus daresay recommends leaving preconceptions behind. Delve unabashedly wholeheartedly manically into nonsensical states of "divine leap" as each clicking action pre-exists you purely to a state of non-understanding, precursing you rudely through more Mr. Chaos Bubble faith quantum bath foam. These brief, high-energy arousals ignite further opportunities [if you don't go nuts] eventually ushering takers and non-taker mendicants through a most convoluted path unimaginable, to the very thing we've each been wondering about for ever and ever, without actually knowing we were. (Going anywhere) In this anarchic jumble of ones and zeros is truly a trip to digital Mecca, for here resides twenty original novellas, a growing mountain of photographs, two bushels of poetry (at the bare minimum) three thousand six hundred people. Please take time to avow yourself of planning to arrive anywhere at all, and least likely, in a timely fashion. Those without such patience, will quite likely find Zen. Or some prey just as intollerable. This site is occasionally dusted, and deigned for all sane, and unsame users.